ex Latin Iohannes davidus,

mod: John-David or portmanteau Joda

dreamer of the Roman gods“ (fictor deorum) illustrious for mixing anecdotal expression into works of art via complex hero theory;

bright as a star

My surname was changed from Pyle to Volumes in accordance with me being so loud-spoken, stemmed from an excess dose of passion. No surprise that, in many ways, I’m a mental case. You are too. Because our classification is Homo sapiens — astute humans with crazy brains, each having a developed prefrontal cortex associated with higher cognition.

We are intelligent beings, capable of episodic memory, flexible facial expressions, individual awareness and a theory of mind. A person can harness the power of introspection, thought in sub rosa, imagination and volition. Our minds give us the grand ability to interact with reality, determining our situational existences.

And we all use a bit of ingrained honeymoto for self-controlled measure to manipulate the micro decisions we make along every course of action we take. Whether it be a simple task like moving a spoonful of soup from the bowl to your mouth or crossing a busy boulevard, there’s varied levels of habitual precision for how our brains operate our bodies in our imperfect world. But what do I know? I’m just a thespian who sleeps without a pillow.